Single Parent Stress Management Programme

Single Parent Stress Management Programme

Supporting Local Parents

Launched in 2014, our Single Parent Package has grown from strength to strength. We have continually developed and expanded the programme from humble beginnings to include a wider range of therapies and treatments. Results from previous programmes have shown that levels of stress, anxiety and depression dramatically reduced in participants, decreasing from moderately severe and severe to low or none. Many cited that the support they received was friendly, immediate and non-clinical.

“We talked about what I wanted to gain, not something you often hear! To be honest, I was surprised all these doors were open just for me.”


Counselling or, in some cases, Hypnotherapy sessions are available at a concessionary rate of £15 per session


Single Parent Programme Criteria

The programme aims to reach those who most benefit from our services. To keep this fair and accessible, we have kept the criteria quite broad. 

To qualify for this programme, you must be:

  • Living in Torbay
  • A single parent
  • Showing signs of anxiety/depression and/or stress
  • In financial hardship (low income or in receipt of benefits)
  • Understand that we are offering a concession rate of £15 per session, enabling us to help the community and utilise our Student Placement Counsellors and Hypnotherapists,


The Application Process

The application process is simple and straightforward.

If you meet all the above criteria and wish to apply for Single Parent Concessionary Rate, please complete the form below.  Our reception team will contact you to discuss your application as soon as possible.


Anna’s Story

I wasn’t expecting to become a single parent to 6 children, but that is what happened. 

single parent package

In this new world, I found a lot of difficult challenges ahead of myself especially w

ith my and low self-esteem. This is where my experience with The Devon Clinic began.

It was during a home visit with my health visitor. Sarah showed me a website and on it was this package designed for people just like me. It provided talking and physical therapies and I got to choose what I wanted-not something you hear everyday running around after children. Together we completed three short online quizzes-that was it, I’d applied! I knew someone was going to contact me but I still worried I’d done it wrong.  Would they reject me?

It didn’t take long for The Devon Clinic to contact me and say that I was eligible for the package. They explained everything to me and I felt reassured and informed about what was going to happen. I was even told in great detail how to find them and reassured that if I got lost on the way I should phone them for support.

My First Visit

My gosh, was I nervous! Thoughts rushed through my head about being late, where to park, getting lost, saying too much or not enough. All that was put aside as I was made to feel welcome and instantly feel at ease. The waiting room was calm and the receptionist was friendly and quite happily chatted away with me.

For my initial consultation, I met with Chris Fleet. He was really friendly and approachable, which is very important for me, especially as I suffer badly from anxiety in new situations. We talked about what I wanted to gain out of my sessions, not something you often hear! To be honest, I was surprised all these doors were open just for me….continue with Anna’s story