Lack Confidence

My Confidence Matters surveyed some 2,500 individuals. It concluded that 70% of individuals admitted to regularly lacking in self-confidence when it came to speaking up at work. This lack of confidence came from across the board regardless of sector, position or business size.

The most notable disparity was that 79% of women compared to 62% of men admitted they lacked confidence in their role. Adding to this, only half of those females felt they would get enough managerial support if they asked for it.

Another survey regarding ambition, confidence, work-life balance and self-belief revealed that women (85%) are more keen to reach a more senior role than men (76%).


Top Five Notable statistics


  1. Women who want to reach senior roles note the top three obstacles as juggling work-life balance, lack of internal opportunities and confidence in their ability.
  2. Over half said, asking for a pay rise made them the most scared and nervous (54% women, 37% men respectively).
  3. 61% Cited they appeared confident but did not feel it. 55% noted this as managing a negative mindset (i.e. symptoms of imposter syndrome).
  4. Almost half commented that health and wellbeing had the most significant impact on their career choice.
  5. A lot of attention on flexible working hours with some 74% stating their organisation offers this. Of those where their organisation does not 80% would like to see this introduced.


Joy, founder of My Confidence Matters, explains: “It is clear that many lack confidence in the workplace and our research suggests its impacts women the most. Not only is this holding them back from their aspirations, but it is demotivating too.”


Do You Want To Increase Your Confidence and Life Balance?


Lack Confidence

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