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  • Remedies to Fight Stress and Anxiety

    Remedies to Fight Stress and Anxiety

    stress and anxietyAnxiety is a normal response to stress and can help us out of a dangerous situation. But it can also be a disabling condition. Stress feeds negative emotions such as anxiety and depression.

    Typically, individuals seek psychiatric treatment which often comprises a mixture of talking therapies and medications. For some, these treatments work, but for others, the side effects of the medications outweigh their positive effects.


    More people are turning to alternative and natural remedies. These have been widely studied and have proven to positively affect reducing anxiety and stress.


    But What are Anxiety and Stress?

    Generalised anxiety refers to uncontrollable and excessive worries about everyday events/activities. Twice as many men as women are affected and between 5-9% of the population has been affected. For those with this condition elements of daily life such as completing tasks or going to work can be overwhelming.

    Diagnosis is made when stress, caused by constant worry, significantly impacts daily living and quality of life is significantly impaired.

    In the vast majority of cases, some 85%, generalised anxiety is not the only condition presenting but is accompanied by other psychological problems. Typically, these include:

    • Variants of anxiety such as panic attacks, social anxiety, and phobias
    • Depression
    • Digestive problems
    • Trouble sleeping
    • Weight Issues
    • Substance abuse

    There is not a precise known reason or trigger for these disorders, but it is known that they are a combination of social stressors, brain changes and traumatic experiences. Some research suggests genetics play a factor.


    Natural and Alternative Remedies.


    • Acupuncture.

    The practise of traditional Chinese medicine is based on stimulating specific points of the body, by inserting small needles into the skin. This non-invasive treatment increases the heart rate variability during and after sessions to promote healing.

    When performed regularly, clients reported a decrease of hypertension, therefore, a decrease in psychological stress.

    • Hypnotherapy.

    Hypnotherapy uses relaxation techniques. This primary method regulates the neurohormonal flow responsible for our emotions and physical state: muscle tension and pain sensation. When we are calm and relaxed, our body begins the process of self-repair; the neurohormonal flow adjusts to the body’s needs. Catastrophic thinking such as anxiety, agitation and anger make the healing process more difficult by slowing down this process.

    This is when hypnotherapy comes in to help regulate the flow of neurochemicals. Hypnotherapy calms and relaxes not only the mind but the body allowing it time to repair. The process takes this one step further by using the subconscious to alter negative thinking patterns. So even when not in hypnosis the process is still working.


    Once anxiety is installed in our bodies, we become exposed to high levels of stress. It is important to know the signs and recognise them both in ourselves and in those around us.


    If you would like to try Acupuncture or Hypnotherapy please contact us to arrange an appointment.


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  • Self-Hypnosis Happiness

    Self-hypnosisSelf-hypnosis could help you to overcome difficult issues and situations in areas of your daily life.

    For some, the idea of hypnosis conjures images of magicians telling us to “sleep” before “clucking” across a stage like some performing puppet. In stark contrast, hypnotherapy is quite the opposite.

    Hypnotherapy has been recognised as a talking therapy by the British Psychological Society and is considered a useful treatment for anxiety, addiction, IBS, fears and phobias.

    Celebrities Lilly Allen and Geri Horner have turned to hypnotherapists to lose weight and Kate Middleton reportedly used hypnobirthing to aid labour pain.

    We can all use self-hypnosis to get ahead:- be it to ace a presentation, stick to those gym goals or feel less stressed.

    The unconscious mind is incredibly powerful and by using it you can really use it to your advantage.


    The idea of hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis is to induce a mild trance – meaning a relaxed state. This state is similar to when our minds wander off or when we switch to autopilot. An example of this is the morning commute. Whether you dive or take public transport: you are fully aware of how you got to your destination, but you don’t quite recall the entire journey. It is during this period that suggestions are introduced. These suggestions are of things that we would like to change such as feeling more positive, less afraid of something, and more confident in our ability.

    It is estimated that up to 90% of behaviour is governed by the unconscious mind. It is during this relaxed hypnotic state we are more open to accepting these suggestions.



    Think of the brain as a computer. It is not the computer itself that’s the problem, it is the software programme that has the bug. Hypnotherapy aims to fix the bug allowing the programme to run efficiently once again.



    Work Smarter

    If you have a presentation or a speech coming up, it is only natural that you worry something may go wrong or merely push it to the back of your mind.

    Instead, try self-hypnosis to focus on it going really well. In this context, self-hypnosis works like a powerful shortcut to building skills in an area you are not confident about.


    Super-charge your health

    Hypnotherapy with a trained professional has been found to help an array of physical conditions from aches and pains to insomnia.

    A recent study in the Netherlands found that 6 sessions of hypnotherapy were more effective for IBS than standard supportive care. 40% of hypnotherapy patients reported relief from symptoms, often for several months afterwards.

    When aiming to lose weight or lead a healthy lifestyle, hypnosis can improve results by changing a person’s mindset.

    Research has shown that those who regularly use self-hypnosis techniques before eating felt more full than those who hadn’t.

    Using hypnosis and hypnotherapy for your health and fitness is about making definable aims that are achievable and maintainable.


    Contact us today and see how self-hypnosis can benefit you.


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  • Acupuncture Outperforms Traditional Pain Relief

    Acupuncture Outperforms Traditional Pain Relief

    Acupuncture Often when we think about medicine, we think about tablets. A pounding headache can be curbed in 20 minutes with a simple painkiller-NSAID (Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory drug). Stronger pain relief know as Opioids-Codeine, Morphine, Oxycodone, Hydromorphone and Fentanyl to name a few, will ease intense pain but are unsafe for long-term use. The list of medications and the forms in which they can be taken is extensive. However, recent and strong research into other treatments options warrants better and long-standing results. Acupuncture is one area that is outperforming traditional chemical intervention.



    Acupuncture has been proven as an effective tool for those with trouble sleeping and suffering insomnia.

    Published research by Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, showed that acupuncture therapy yielded at 92.2% total effective rate in comparison to Zopiclone-a sedative commonly used to treat sleep disorders. The medication achieved an overall 67.9% success rate. This rating is partly due to its addictive nature and tolerance buildup. In direct comparison, acupuncture is not addictive and have very little, if any side effects.


    Arthritis of the knee

    Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine compared acupuncture and Meloxicam-a non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug or NSAID. Meloxicam is the most commonly prescribed medication for knee osteoarthritis. The study found that acupuncture has a far superior effect on the knee cartilage repair compared the medication. It also noted that in comparison the Meloxicam’s side effects which include stomach ulcers, heartburn and skin rashes were no present during application of acupuncture treatment.


    Back Pain

    The Nanyang Institute of Technology concluded a programme that found acupuncture outperformed Ibuprofen in the relief of acute lower back pain due to lumbar sprain. Following a 6-day follow-up of test subjects’ results measured at 96.9% for acupuncture compared to 72.7% for Ibuprofen. Results were based on elimination of pain in combination with recovery length.


    By addressing the root cause we can treat symptoms of health problems. To book your consultation and treatment, please contact us on 01803 500300 or email


  • You Don’t Have To Be Underweight To Have Anorexia

    atypical anorexia

    We Don’t All Fit The Same Box

    A study found that 31% of patients with Anorexia Nervosa had all the cognitive features and physical complaints without being underweight.


    University Melbourne dietitian Melissa Whitelaw is calling for a change in the diagnostic criteria after finding patients with atypical anorexia suffer serious health concerns despite not meeting the criteria for the condition with regards to their weight.


    The study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health looked at 171 patients between the ages of 12-19 admitted to hospitals with eating disorders between 2005 and 2013. It found that:


    • 51% were ‘atypical’ with significant eating disorder psychopathology but not underweight.
    • Rather than being underweight, a greater weight loss was associated with life-threatening low pulse rates, a complication of starvation in anorexia that requires medical intervention (hospitalisation).
    • Those atypical patients also suffered from low blood pressure and unbalanced blood electrolytes.
    • No complication was independently associated with being underweight, the so-called hallmark of anorexia.
    • No participant was being monitored by health professionals for weight loss, their relationship to food, or their methods for weight loss during the study.


    Whitelaw says many atypical patients have been encouraged by family and/or health professionals to lose weight which frequently resulted in positive re-enforcement.


    Atypical anorexia nervosa patients might have lost about a quarter of their body weight, but the body can go into starvation mode if as little as 10% is lost quickly, causing the heart to slow to preserve energy.


    “The face of eating disorders is changing against a backdrop of an increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity”

    Melissa Whitelaw.


    If an adolescent chooses to lose weight, it doesn’t matter what their start weight is, a health professional should monitor them to ensure the loss is both safe and appropriate. This way their nutritional intake and relationship with food and exercise can be monitored for signs of concern.


    Upon entering starvation mode the only way to increase the heart is to re-feed in order to regain weight, which requires careful monitoring thus hospitalisation.


    Whitelaw says that people can understand why an extremely thin person needs to gain weight, but they struggle to understand why someone within or above a healthy weight range requires re-feeding.


    Contrary to common assumption health consequences of atypical anorexia can be just as dangerous and it is about time the outdated diagnostic criteria were changed. You do not have to be underweight to be anorexic, the evidence is there to prove this.


    Atypical anorexics are just as ill as those with typical anorexia. They have the same thoughts about food and eating.


    It is about time we updated the criteria to fit our modern world and started to listen to the individual instead of judging them on whether they fit the box or not.


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  • Your Mental Health This Christmas

    Your Mental Health This Christmas

    Christmas can be a challenging time of year for stress levels and even harder for those of us with mental health issues. So many things that form our daily routines become disrupted and change the pace of our lives.



    Leaving your preparations until the last minute can cause unnecessary stress but planning ahead can save you both time and money. Make a list of the jobs you need to do, the presents you need to buy/make and the groceries you’ll need. Set a realistic timescale to achieve this-remember Rome wasn’t built in a day so you don’t have to achieve Christmas in a single outing.



    Shopping online can save you money as well as avoid the stress of crowded high streets. There are plenty of price comparison sites ensuring you get the best deal. If you want to support your local high street many offer online ordering or home delivery too.



    Before you begin your Christmas shopping, make a list of what you need and who you intend to buy for. For each area set yourself a limit; food is X amount, decorations X, gifts for immediate family X, gifts for friends X, colleagues X, etc. This will help organise your thoughts, prevent you from forgetting something or someone, and make sticking to your budget easier. It is important to remind yourself that you do not have to buy gifts for everyone nor do those gifts have to be expensive, homemade gifts are often better than shop-bought items.



    The Festive season is synonymous with over-indulgence followed by the immediate pressure to jump on some miracle cure-all diet bandwagon as soon as the clock strikes on New Year’s Day. Let us be realistic here, we are all likely to over-indulge a little, the key here is to remember that the food will still be there tomorrow and the next day. The key here is to enjoy a little of what you fancy without going over the top ensuring that, where possible, we still eat plenty of healthy fruits and vegetables to avoid lethargy and irritability.



    The celebratory time of year often involves social drinking and although drinking may make you feel more relaxed at the time, it is important to remember that it is a depressant. Excessive amounts can cause low mood, irritability and potentially aggressive behaviour. It is advisable to remain within the safe number of units to sustain good mental and physical wellbeing.



    As boring and far from your mind as it may be during Christmas exercise is important. Exercise releases the feel-good chemicals which help you to relax, feel happy and boost your mood. A simple walk, bike ride or joining in with Christmas games can reduce anxiety and improve self-esteem.


    Three top ways to increase your winter exercise

    Go for a walk. Far less strenuous than a session at the gym. Plus it’s free!

    Get creative in the Garden. If you are lucky enough to have snow, build a snowman. If you are not, have a kick about.

    Dance to some cheesy Christmas songs

    Get Involved

    This time of year provides us with the ideal opportunity to talk, visit and engage with others. You could arrange a shared experience as a gift for friends and family (cookery or bowling).

    If you are apart from your family then volunteering for a local community centre can provide that human contact as well as essential support and encouragement for others in need.

    Stay In Touch

    It is not always possible to be in constant contact with everyone, so Christmas is the perfect time of year to drop them a call, text, email or card.

    Talking can be a good way to cope with a problem you have been carrying around for a while. Just being listened to, even if they cannot offer you words of advice often helps the situation seem less bleak.

    Try To Relax

    Christmas can be very busy and stressful which can lead to increased levels of stress, anxiety, depression, anger and difficulty sleeping, all of which negatively impact mental health. Take some me-time away from the hustle and bustle of everything to just be you. Meditation, yoga and mindfulness can help calm, relax and alleviate symptoms of stress and tension. Try these techniques before bed and see if they help ease you into a restful sleep.

    Contact us if you would like to book your £10 consultation to discuss your mental health.




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  • Child Gamblers: The Signs And Where To Find Support

    Child Gamblers: The Signs And Where To Find Support

    childThe number of children with gambling problems has quadrupled to over 50,000 in the past two years. Recent research carried out has shown that these numbers are on the incline and the ease of access to gambling for minors has increased the chances of addiction.

    Matt Serlin, a Families Counsellor at Action on Addiction commented that gambling can be very traumatic, frightening and confusing for families. He went on to say that because a child has gambled it does not mean they are going to become addicted.


    Here is some advice for parents and carers on spotting the warning signs of child gambling:

    • Unexplained absences from school/college
    • Sudden deterioration in grades and/or failure to complete school work
    • Unaccountable sudden new items of value in possession
    • Lack of personal items of value
    • Borrowing or stealing items of value and/or money
    • Change/uncharacteristic shows of behaviour or personality
    • Unusual interest in sports scores, newspapers, magazines, etc.
    • Withdrawal from friends/family and social activities


    What You Can Do To Support Your Child

    • Show them you are open to talking about the subject
    • Sit down and talk to them about gambling
    • Give them the facts-ideally before they are exposed to the glossy fantasy
    • Increase awareness and understanding
    • Offer a connection to those that have been through similar experiences
    • Seek professional advice and support


    Where You Can Find Support


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  • Child Gambling Soars to 50,000 In Two Years

    Child Gambling Soars to 50,000 In Two Years

    In the last two years, the number of people aged 11-16 with child gambling problems has quadrupled. Research from the Gambling Commission indicates that a further 70,000 children are at risk of developing problems relating to gambling.

    Currently, some 450,000 children bet regularly making this more commonplace than drinking alcohol, smoking and taking drugs.

    Vocal campaigner, the Right Reverend Alan Smith described this as a “generational scandal”.

    The watchdog warned that while most children were accessing gambling facilities via apps and online casinos, a large number were placing bets via more conventional methods.

    Gambling Commission executive director Tim Miller has urged society to “sit up and listen” writing:

    “While discussions about children gambling might conjure images of kids sneaking into bookies or sitting alone on their iPad, our latest research paints a more complex picture. The most common activities that children gamble on are not licensed casinos, bingo providers or bookies. Instead, we found children preferred to gamble in informal environments, out of sight of regulation. Many chose to gamble between friends whilst playing cards for money.”

    A recently conducted study found that the most common gambling routes were fruit machines in pubs/arcades and cash bets between friends. Some did admit to using betting shops and online gambling sites despite them not being the legal age to do so.

    Concerns were also raised that close to a million young people had been exposed to gambling through ‘loot boxes’ in video games. These involve the player purchasing an item that is not revealed until payment has been made, similar to lucky dips at fairgrounds.

    The study and subsequent report were based on Ipsos Mori of 2,865 11-16-year olds.

    The participants were asked 9 questions including how often they thought about gambling, if they used gambling to escape problems or when they felt bad and if they took money to use for gambling without permission. If they showed 4 or more problems, they were considered to be problem gamblers.

    The results suggested that over 1.5% were problem gamblers equating to 55,00 individuals-42,000 more than in 2016. It also suggested that 2.2%, some 70,000 were at risk of developing problems.

    The full PDF report can be read here.


    “We need to start taking the dangers of this seriously-55,000 children classed as problem gamblers is a generational scandal.” The Right Reverend Alan Smith

    Click  To Read: The Signs And Where To Find Support


  • Fortnite: What is it and what to do if you suspect your child is addicted



    Fortnite is one of the most popular internet games played by over 40 million worldwide.

    Battle Royale is an incredibly popular game among the young with gamers spending several hours playing with online friends.

    Several parents have voiced concerns over how long their children are playing Fortnite especially as gaming addiction is becoming a real problem of today’s generation.




    What is Fortnite?

    Company maker Epic Game’s Fortnite is the number one played game (console and PC) of 2018.

    The game follows a Hunger Games style format of Battle Royale. 100 players are put into an ever-shrinking map with the aim of collecting weapons and resources to be the last survivor.

    The rounds are hectic and fast-paced with grenades, assault rifles and rocket launchers making play in open spaces risky:  An ever-shrinking storm which wounds players encroaches upon the island reducing the map size forcing players to interact to the death.

    More than 40 million players a month compete. Typically, there are three million online at this very moment.

    A round of the game can be as little as 30 seconds or as long as 10 minutes. Gamers can spend hours going from game to game.

    The phenomenon took off after several internet celebrities took to live streaming themselves playing the game.

    Parents have raised serious concerns over the amount of time their children are playing this game. There have been stories in the press and on television regarding the struggles parents are facing in getting their children off the game.




    What are the symptoms of video game addiction?

    • Spending a lot of their free time gaming.

    It may have started at an hour or two but noticing that they spend most, if not all, of their free time playing the game.

    • Neglecting their education or work.

    Staying home from school or phoning in sick to work is a sure sign of a problem. Taking time off work is not a bad thing but skipping school or work to play is.

    • Ignoring friends and family.

    Choosing to game over spending time with those they care about is a sure sign of addiction. Eating only in their room and ignoring social events should raise red flags.

    • Reduction in personal appearance.

    If gaming is taking up all their time, they will not be spending much time on personal hygiene or presentation. The more they let things slip the easier it becomes to just give up washing.

    • Health issues.

    Staying up all night to play, mood swings and irritability are signs that they are neglecting themselves. Avoiding social events especially outside preferring to stay inside.

    • Spending money on games over necessities.

    For a person with a gaming addiction, spending money on the latest game or console is vastly more important than food, rent, and bills.

    What can you do?

    If you think your child is addicted to Fortnite it is best to seek professional advice. Gaming addiction is a new and developing category in mental health but that does not mean there aren’t specialists out there that can help. Talking therapies such as Counselling, CBT, and Hypnotherapy can help breakdown reasons, logic, and understanding.

  • Do you know what Reiki is?


    You will see Reiki advertised at many alternative and complementary health clinics/centres. Its popularity is growing as more practitioners are offering the treatment.

    According to The International Centre for Reiki; Reiki is a Japanese technique used for the reduction of stress, relaxation, and promotion of healing. It is administered by the laying of hands and is based on the idea that unseen life force energy flows through each of us.

    Reiki works as an intuitive tool that helps clear blockages and fixes the leaking of energy in the body. These blocks can be emotional, spiritual, physical and mental. A good example of a physical blockage is the manifestation of pain.

    The main system in which Reiki works with is the Chakra system. This system has 7 main energy centres. These Chakras are responsible for different personality traits, emotions, mental statement, skills and physical development. It is these systems that can be over or underactive.

    Reiki is consistent with the concept of healing energy. Each practitioner brings intuitive guidance to each session.


    Every Reiki session is unique and different




    During a session, you can lay on a massage table or sit on a chair. Some do hands-on-touch, but this is not required. Sessions typically last one hour. Many practitioners play calming music during these sessions to reinforce relaxation.

    There are short and long-term health benefits of this Japanese healing technique. It reduces stress on every level, releases the body of physical pain, increases intuition and self-confidence.

    Common experiences during treatment can include; twitching, involuntary movement, head and body tingling, dry mouth, visual memories or feelings of, light-headedness and a heightened sense of awareness.


    Reiki is complementary and non-invasive beneficial to both humans and animals.


    When you hug your child or a friend, you are giving them Reiki when you touch. If someone was hurt and you place your hand on that area, you a subconsciously trying to heal them with your hand/s.


    Preparing for a session

    It is advisable to wear comfortable clothing and not to plan anything strenuous straight after. It is also important to let go of your expectations for the session as these will only hinder you and the practitioner. Just remember, there are no negative effects of Reiki.

    The point is to exchange universal love and energy, to transfer this to another person reminding them at a cellular level, that they are capable of receiving it as well.


    If you would like to experience Reiki for yourself, please contact The Devon Clinic where we will be happy to guide you through a relaxing session.


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  • 5 Common Misconceptions About Anxiety


    Anxiety disorder, like any disorder, can be debilitating, but it is manageable. Sadly, there are still many misconceptions out there surrounding the disorder. This is surprising considering the level of media coverage encouraging people to share their stories and to seek support. Whilst this shift in attitude is positive and has increased awareness of the devastating impact of the illness there is still a long way to go in normalising the condition.

    Often the term anxiety is thrown around with little regard to meaning. Misconceptions are held about what it means to have an anxiety disorder and what devastating impact it can have on a persons life. For those suffering, this only worsens the plight.

    Top 5 misconceptions:

    1. Feeling stressed is the same as having an anxiety disorder.

    Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point-it maybe over an exam, job interview, or medical appointment. Whilst feelings of anxiety are perfectly normal it does not mean that you have an anxiety disorder.

    2. You can just ‘snap out of it’.

    It is not something you can just ‘snap out of’. The most unhelpful things people say when in the midst of an anxiety attack is to ‘just don’t think about it’ and ‘its all in your head’. Telling someone with anxiety to stop is no different from telling a person with a broken leg to go running.

    3. There is not always a reason.

    Anxiety disorders are complex and often very difficult to make sense of. Sometimes you can be sitting quietly with yourself and suddenly be drowning in fear, trepidation, dread and horror through no logical reasoning. Anxiety does not always require a trigger and just because it isn’t there doesn’t mean anxiety won’t rear it’s ugly head.

    4. Anxiety is both a mental and physical illness

    Symptoms of anxiety can vary widely and take the form of nausea, headaches, palpitations, changes in appetite, thirst, stomach ache, sweating, muscle tension, to name but a few. Each person experiences the physical effects differently and each time. Just because you can’t see it, does not make it any less real.

    5. There are treatments for anxiety

    Even today some believe that anxiety will just sort itself out. For a few this might be the case but it doesn’t always work, some require ongoing support to manage their symptoms.

    There is no need to suffer in silence when there is help available.

    Remember, everyone is different and no two cases are the same.

    If you would like advice and support regarding anxiety please contact us.

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