

Always on Culture causing stress epidemic

A recent survey has found that more British adults are suffering from stress than ever before. This is down to “always being on.” Work pressure, financial worries and health concerns all contribute to rising levels. The survey carried out by Axa of 4,000 individuals reported that four out of five adults surveyed felt stressed during

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Seasonal Affective Disorder: Why Warm Weather Can Trigger Depression

Reverse SAD “or summer SAD” is a less known version of Seasonal Affective Disorder. The dark days are behind us as we move into spring/summer with the arrival of long pleasant evenings. For most, this is enough to lift our moods but for those with reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder, this is not the case. For

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Why Warm Weather Can Trigger Depression Read More »

Creating tolerance is key to reliving OCD

Excessive hand washing, from fear of contamination, is one of the most common forms of OCD-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. OCD is not something that is “cured” but symptoms can be significantly reduced through CBT-Cognitive Behavioural Therapy-a type of Psychotherapy. CBT can be very challenging for those with OCD as therapists may expose them to experiences that

Creating tolerance is key to reliving OCD Read More »

Binge eating Disorder

Binge Eating Disorder: Is Hypnotherapy The Answer?

A conversation about hypnotherapy This is a conversation between my work colleague and me when I announced that I was going to try hypnotherapy for binge eating; Me: “I’ve booked myself if to see a hypnotherapist for binge eating.” Colleague: “You aren’t a binge eater-are you?” Me: “Well, kind of. I find it hard to

Binge Eating Disorder: Is Hypnotherapy The Answer? Read More »