Depression is both a physical and psychological condition.

Everyday tasks become difficult feats of endurance though people around you may not notice. Most think the only symptoms of depression is chronic sadness; they overlook the physiological symptoms.

Here are a few signs that your body is warning you about your mental health:


1. Fatigue

We all feel burnt out sometimes, but if you feel inexplicably tired every day, this can be a sign of chronic depression. A study conducted by the National Medical Library of the United States found the most common symptom of major depressive disorder is fatigue.
You may not notice the physical lack of energy or exhaustion. These symptoms tend to appear after you try to solve the issue mentally. The body begins to act, yet the situation has not been resolved. It is here that lies the discord between what you think and what you do.

2. Pain

Alongside depression, most experience pain and discomfort. Doctors confirm that spinal pain is the most common which can be seen through movement. Other generalised pain includes the neck, shoulders, back and joints. In many patients, this is due to unconscious breath-holding and muscle tensing.

3. Trouble Sleeping

Sleeping too much, too little, restless sleep, waking only for meals or tossing and turning can indicate problems with the mental state. It is advisable to see a specialist, especially if they persist for longer than two weeks.

4. Digestive Problems

Stomach problems are widespread in those with depression and anxiety. This is most clearly demonstrated from a young age as their abdominal pains are generally caused by issues surrounding peer pressure. Nausea, gut inflammation and diarrhoea can be provoked by depression, producing a wide array of digestive imbalances.

5. Blurred Consciousness

People who suffer from depression often report memory problems and an inability to concentrate. For healthy people experiencing brain fog, rest is enough to restore their functionality. If the condition lasts for an extended period and rest or sleep does not alleviate symptoms, then it could be a sign of a more serious problem and support should be sought.

6. Cycle Changes

Gynaecologists say many factors can affect the menstrual cycle. Depression can alter duration and increase pain. Studies have shown that menstruation can worsen symptoms of depression. 64% of women report feeling worse 5-10 days before their period.

7. Diabetes

People with diabetes have a high risk of developing depression. Those suffering from depression are at a higher than average risk of developing diabetes. Symptoms include an unhealthy attitude towards food and weight gain. This disease also impacts the immune system, which worsens the symptoms of depression and other related mental health conditions.
Anxiety causes the release of cortisol, a stress hormone, and increases insulin release. This reduces the level of sugar in the blood, making the individual want to consume sweeter related foods.

8. Headaches

Depression affects neurotransmitters and neurohormones that regulate response to stress, inflammation, and body systems. Those with a permanent migraine are 2-3 times more likely to suffer from depression than the general population. Both migraine and depression have common roots in the brain, and they can develop due to environmental or genetic reasons.


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