I’m Louise Dawkins, I am a registered nurse and have specialised within the field of Sexual Health for over 15 years. In that time I have noticed that a lot of counselling services for specialist sexual health issues are no longer available.I began to research ways in which I could help people with ongoing sexual difficulties and felt that Hypnosis alongside my previous experience would be a fantastic medium to enable me to do this.
I am now a Registered Hypnotherapist affiliated with the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council and a Specialist in Psychosexual Dysfunction. I love the fact that Hypnotherapy can bring about such rapid and permanent changes to people’s lives, by using a client centred holistic, non-judgemental approach, focussing on the clients future not their past whilst allowing if required previous fears or anxieties to be overcome in a safe, relaxed and calming manner.
Do you have any concerns or anxieties about your love life? erectile dysfunction, vaginal discomfort (vaginismus) trauma following Sexual Assault and numerous other related issues including body dysphoria could be resolved with hypnotherapy.
I am also a registered Brain Working Recursive Therapist (BWRT)a totally different form of therapy which doesn’t change your conscious state. But by using the primary communication processes of the early brain to reorganise and neutralise the response(s) associated with the presenting symptom. Useful for a huge number of issues, including all forms of anxiety, phobias and fears, OCD, PTSD, success inhibition, fear of failure, performance anxiety and more, often in only 1 or 2 sessions. It’s fast, effective, and long-lasting – usually permanent – and doesn’t require the client to tap, pinch, breathe in a special way, operate an anchor, trigger or any other form of post-therapy device. It just works.
Testimonial from a recent client, Before my hypnotherapy sessions with Louise Dawkins, I was depressed, full of anxiety and hugely overwhelmed. I was nervous and sceptical as to if this could work for me. But session by session I was becoming more and more relaxed and was able to let myself relax down into the sessions easily. Louise focused on specific issues I wanted to address. Week by week it was getting easier to manage my emotions and help myself to feel less overwhelmed by situations that would normally send me into a meltdown. I personally have really benefitted from my hypnotherapy sessions and would highly recommend Louise Dawkins to anybody suffering from depression and anxiety.
You can book with Louise via the Devon Clinic, please call us on 01803 500300 OR email reception@devonclinic.co.uk