Here’s an itch we can scratch.

You might be aware; August is Psoriasis awareness month. This blog equips you with the tool kit you require, to handle and identify the triggers of Psoriasis, and what can help make your everyday life, smoother and comfier. Because where there’s a problem, there is always a solution.

Since we are all individual, our Psoriasis outbursts are all different.
So how can we solve what feels like, an everlasting dermatological condemnation for our skin?

What is on the inside, reflects on the outside.

This blog has a common theme, all the shots psoriasis shoots, are centralised around the misfiring of our immune system’s responses to protect us.
The result is it inflicts a huge overload of skin cell growth and inflammation.
Cell by cell, around and around we go on a vicious cycle. Or do we?


Drinking too much alcohol and not hydrating ourselves enough causes that dry flaky skin, making symptoms more prominent. Alcohol causes relaxation but because it has this adverse effect, makes it the only drink you DON’T need a lot of.


Whether this is self-medicating on recreational use, or pharmaceutical cures for the mind and body complications e.g. high blood pressure, heart disease and bipolar disorder, can actually inhibit psoriasis symptoms from healing.
So, always consult with a doctor/ dermatologist before making any alterations to your system. Topical medications for Psoriasis combined with alcohol link to worsening the symptoms.
Smoking inhibits blood flow, something our skin cells require a substantial amount of oxygen to prevent dry and sore skin. The less we smoke, the fresher air our lungs and skin cells breathe!


We really are what we eat!
Certain foods cause certain outbreaks. However, experimenting with these,to see if they lessen or exacerbate outbreaks of psoriasis, is harmless and productive. It has been discovered that decreasing dairy, sugar, and red meats from diets does decrease inflammation in the skin for sufferers. Making a valuable trade for those that are high in omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, overall, those skin-friendly nutrients will promote better management and reduction in symptoms.


Psoriasis sufferers often harbour more inflammatory cells than those who don’t. When these pesky allergic reactions take place, itching and irritation naturally worsen. Anti-histamines and soothing topical ointments can counter these flare-ups.


Cuts, scratches, sunburn and friction burns all play a part on aggravation and irritation for psoriasis. The dermatology of your skin can worsen… getting it covered, soothed and bandaged all promote healing asap. Prevention is the best solution after all.


What does stress do to psoriasis? Ironically, they impact each other, as having psoriasis, makes us stressed. Being stressed worsens symptoms. To combat this, exercise and meditation practice enable our immune systems to regenerate. Which is key to help symptoms.

There is a common theme to be discovered in this blog, all the triggers of psoriasis are centralised around the misfiring of our immune system’s responses to protect us.
The result of this, is it inflicts a huge overload of skin cell growth, and inflammation accompanies it cell by cell, and around and around we go on a vicious cycle. Or do we?

 Reduction and Prevention

Holistic approaches to reverse the inflammation such as taking a bath, exercising, relaxing, can all help to some degree, by targeting the cause we have a positive effect and bring everything back down to a level our bodies respond to life’s troubles better. To name a few.
So, what can we do to resolve this at the clinic? We harbour talking therapies, massage, acupuncture, allergy tests and Hypnotherapy to tackle the inner physical and mental inflammation we incur. We pride ourselves with treating internal conflicts, dermatological or psychological.