Do you remember when fruit seemed to taste, well ‚ fruitier?

And vegetables seemed to taste like vegetables? I’m old enough to remember tomatoes bursting with flavour and every so often I get that taste again so I’ve been on a quest to find the flavour and here’s what I have found. (Excuse me if you already know this,) but it’s mostly about buying fruit and vegetables locally, in season, and cooking them correctly.

I’m not alone in not knowing which fruit and vegetables are in season in the UK. Chatting with friends and family, very few of them could honestly say which fruits and vegetables were at their best in which season. We knew that locally sourced fruit and vegetables would be better for us in terms of nutrition. We also knew it should be cheaper and better for the Planet. So it seemed that we would like to shop for seasonal fruit and vegetables but needed to know what they are.

There’s an old saying ‘you are what you eat’ so it’s great to eat healthily as far as possible. We are so lucky in this Country that in every season there is an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables to choose from. Supermarkets, Farmers’ Markets, and local shops are all able to supply us with most of our fresh fruit and vegetables. With such a choice, our only problem is going to be what not to take home and cook!

In the UK, summer officially runs from 21st June through to 21st September so we’ll have a look at the different fruits and vegetables that are in season during July, August and September.


This month, there are lots of lovely fruit and vegetables available, so we don’t need to get bored by eating salads with every meal. Here is a selection of just some of the fruit and vegetables you can choose from:

Blackberries, Blueberries, Cherries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Broad Beans, Broccoli (including purple sprouting and tender stem)

Cabbage (Savoy, red, spring, pointed and white), Carrots, Cauliflower, Cavolo nero, Celery, Chantenay carrots, CourgettesLettuce (particularly Iceberg, little gem, and romaine)

Lettuce (particularly Iceberg, little gem, and romaine), Leeks, New Potatoes, Pak choi, Parsnips, Podded Peas, Sugar Snap Peas



Struggling to include extra fruit and vegetables in your diet? Try some of these delicious seasonal fruits and vegetables and you won’t get bored this season.

Blackberries, Blueberries, Cherries, Plums, Raspberries, Strawberries, Broccoli (including purple sprouting and tender stem), Brussels sprouts, Cabbage (Savoy, red, spring, pointed and white), Carrots, Cauliflower, Cavolo Nero, Celery, Chantenay, Cauliflower, Cavolo Nero, Celery, Chantenay Carrots, Courgettes, Lettuce (little gem and romaine), Leeks, New potatoes, Pak choi, Parsnips, Sugar snap peas, Sweetcorn, Tomatoes

Cauliflower, Cavolo Nero, Celery, Chantenay, Cauliflower, Cavolo Nero, Celery, Chantenay Carrots, Courgettes, Lettuce (little gem and romaine), Leeks, New potatoes, Pak choi, Parsnips, Sugar snap peas, Sweetcorn, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Cavolo Nero, Celery, Chantenay, Cauliflower, Cavolo Nero, Celery, Chantenay Carrots, Courgettes, Lettuce (little gem and romaine), Leeks, New potatoes, Pak choi, Parsnips, Sugar snap peas, Sweetcorn, Tomatoes

Sweetcorn, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Cavolo Nero, Celery, Chantenay, Cauliflower, Cavolo Nero, Celery, Chantenay Carrots, Courgettes, Lettuce (little gem and romaine), Leeks, New potatoes, Pak choi, Parsnips, Sugar snap peas, Sweetcorn, Tomatoes



Summer isn’t over so make the most of these lovely colourful fruits and vegetables to keep your plate nice and bright.

Apples, Blackberries, Blueberries, Broccoli (including purple sprouting and tender stem), Brussels Sprouts, Cherries, Pears, Plums, Raspberries, Strawberries, Cabbage (Savoy, red, spring, pointed and white)

Carrots (including chantey), Cauliflower, Cavolo nero, Celery, Lettuce (iceberg, little gem and romaine), Leeks, Parsnips, Tomatoes‚ Sweetcorn


Set yourself a challenge throughout the summer of eating at least 3 portions of seasonal fruit and vegetables every day throughout the summer months. Eat these in addition to your salads. You will be well on your way to a delicious and healthy eating plan.

Look out for our autumn seasonal vegetable blog scheduled for September.