A new survey has shown that Instagram is the worst ranking social medic platform in terms of impact on the mental health of young people.

1,479 young people (aged 14-24) surveyed, showed Instagram was positive in terms of self-expression but hugely negative in how they saw their body image, sleep, and fear of missing out. In addition, many said they felt panic-stricken and physically sick if they do not post regular images of themselves on social media.

Shockingly, Facebook addiction can now be picked up on brain scans of those who cannot stay off the platform, affecting grey matter in similar ways to cocaine.

Here are twelve sings that you too could be addicted to social media platforms;

1. When you eat out by the time the drinks arrive you already have your phone out. You have photographed and applied a hashtag to each course and between courses are taking selfies.

2. The first thing you do upon waking is reach for your phone which is always within arms reach or even in your bed. You instantly check for messages and check how many likes or shares your witty comment/photo from last night got.

3. You get caught trying to update social media whilst helping your children with their homework.

4. You greet your friends at a social gathering by tweeting them instead of approaching them in person.

5. You take your phone to the toilet, so you can check on a photo you posted or were tagged in.

6. Someone asks you on Monday morning how your weekend was, and you instantly become offended that they do not know because you did splash it across all the platforms.

7. You like, favourite and pin your own posts and photos on your accounts.

8. You are constantly checking in everywhere you go even if it is at the doctors, supermarket, cafe or bus stop.

9. Upon hearing the sad news that someone famous has died you jump straight online to check it out and learn all that you can about their career in order not to feel left out of online conversations. You even #RIP even if you have no idea who they were.

10. If someone tells you a joke you instantly say lol‚ instead of physically laughing.

11. You get yourself into a panic when watching a popular television show because you want to be the first on the timeline to say something humorous.

12. The phrase “hashtag” has become an everyday part of your vocabulary.

If you or someone you know has an addiction to social media we can help, contact us below.

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